s l o e is a communications studio based in gorgeous Galway on Ireland’s west coast. We design and edit content that celebrates the process of making, working closely with creative businesses to tell their stories beautifully.


s e r v i c e s

s t r a t e g y

Great communications build long-term relationships through a bit of give and take. Let us help you to develop a marketing strategy with integrity, that will excite both you and your customers now, and in the future.

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a r t d i r e c t i o n

Powerful online tools like Canva make graphic design appear cheap and easy, but they won’t magic you an original and consistent visual identity. We can.

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e d i t i n g

The best person to tell your story is you. Our ghostwriting, editing and copywriting services will help your voice come over cleanly so your audience will listen.

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p a c k a g e s

Our fixed-price packages are designed for small businesses and startups who are keen to take charge of their own social media and need a hand pulling it all into shape. Book one or more of the following bundles and let us extend your visual brand to lend structure and continuity to your communications.

If this doesn’t quite cut it, talk to us and we will happily design a package to suit all your needs. Optional bolt-ons for small businesses include event identity and promotion packages, website design, copywriting, photography, picture editing and a tailor-made annual strategy to be developed year-on-year.


s t a r t e r

Ask us anything about your branding and marketing goals, strategy, social media and website in an hour-long Zoom consultation

m a i n

A bespoke Mailchimp content scheme, template and landing page to get your newsletter working

s w e e t

A tailored Instagram content plan including sample posts & templates for posts, stories and highlights


b l o g

“It is rare for anyone to be so gifted with both words and images.”
— Alex Leith, Founding Editor & Director, Viva Magazines

a b o u t

s l o e was born when Chloë King relocated from the South Coast of England to the Wild West of Ireland. Chloe is a member of the UK Guild of Food Writers and a happy recipient of their 2018 Fellowship Fund research grant. A regular feature writer and magazine columnist for over a decade, Chloë holds a masters in Communication Art & Design from the Royal College of Art. Her portfolio career involves working with text and image in many capacities. On top of magazine editing and art direction, Chloe has taught blogging, critical and creative writing at HE level and is a long-term freelancer in event and festival management; marketing communications and website design for independent businesses.

Photo © Karen Lacroix



marque sussex; the negotiator; The guild of food writers; Food PR; Viva Brighton; Viva Lewes; Great British Chefs; The Holborn; Metro; The Pool; Buzzfeed; Eye; Mollie Makes; The Independent News & Media; VEGAN LIVING; The Idler; restaurants brighton; Real Gold; Young Turks; Kartel Records; Amy Winehouse; RICH FILE; Topman; TopshoP; Sussex Modernism at Two Temple Place; susurrus; Owls in Bowls; Ode to Sunday; Nofred; ALTGARBRA; ILLustration school; NORTHBROOK COLLEGE; CAMBERWELL COLLEGE Of ART; MISS P&D; INKMILL; STANDARD 8; Fowler & Co; McCARTANS LTD; Jointure Studios B&B; British dal Festival; NUTRITION PROGRAM; Lewes OctoberFeast; Lewes Rowing club; B.fest; SLOW FOOD SUSSEX


p a s t i m e

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