May Wildflowers
The bush vetch is now starting to bear tight, glossy pea pods in ninja turtle green. Buttercups are in abundance, as are red and white clovers and the germander speedwell. .
Germander Speedwell on mass
I found an aronia growing near the turlough. I might have mistaken it for a young hawthorn, were it not for its smooth-edged leaves and shocking pink pollen. I look forward to trying some chokeberries later this year. The fruits are exceptionally high in antioxidents and astringent enough to make you, um, choke.
Rue-leaved Saxifrage
Some of my prettiest finds are also the humblest. I love the beautiful rue-leaved saxifrage and whitlowgrass, pictured top, which is already done for the year - with just the tiny, pearlescent centres of its seed pods remaining.